Discovering my 'new normal' after breast cancer diagnosis at 34.

08 July 2011

Inspiration: Running People

Ask me 2 years ago if I would ever consider running for fitness/fun, and my answer would have been a resounding NO.

I watched some of my friends get into running, namely Zoe and Fi. I admired them for their strength and stamina, and for their perseverance in what seemed like a very boring and taxing 'leisure' activity. They even ran in the cold and rain, which I thought was courageous (I still won't run if it's raining).

Later, when I was contemplating running for health/weight control/fitness, I read on Facebook about my friend Tina's success with her fitness in Melbourne:
Tina - before and after
She is absolutely amazing and a true inspiration. It got me thinking: Can I do that too?

More locally, our neighbour Anna, our good friend Tymara and my cousin Christie all go for regular runs and all have bodies to die for. I wanted to be like them!

Meanwhile, I started training for the Mother's Day Classic. Team Tish members Tymara, Carly, and Louise did a couple of early runs with me until it got too difficult logistically. New friends Julie and Alexis kept me company on early Sunday morning runs, and Bronwyn came along for a couple too.

I was amazed and surprised how many people DO run, and how good it actually feels.

Thank you, my running friends, for inspiring me and encouraging me. You are truly wonderful!

1 comment:

  1. YOU are truly wonderful Tish! Love ya :)
